Victorian Food Safety Auditing requirements under the Food Act 1984:
- A food safety audit be conducted at declared interval to determine whether a food safety program
- has been complied with during the period covered by the audit; and
- is still adequate at the date of the audit.
- The business is complying with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
- The business has completed all required records.
- The business has addressed non-conformances identified previously
The audit of a food safety program must be conducted by an approved food safety auditor certified as competent to conduct an audit of such a premises.
Following the audit, providing the business is fully complying, the auditor must provide an audit certificate to the council within 14 days of giving the certificate to the business. That certificate must be either:
- a certificate of compliance; or
- a certificate detailing that corrective actions have been taken to address deficiencies or any outstanding matters, if an audit has revealed non-compliances at the premises.
Should the auditor identify any deficiencies that may lead to a serious risk of food being sold or prepared that is unsafe or unsuitable then the auditor must inform the council and the department’s Food Safety Unit of the department as soon as practicable.
FSS Certification Australia has approved Food Safety Auditors to conduct HACCP and Food Act compliance audits in all states.
We also have consultants who develop food safety programs for business with limited in house QA resources . Food Audits are conducted at very reasonable rates.
Our food Safety auditing scope includes:
- Hospital Kitchens
- Child care Kitchens
- Aged care Kitchens
- Retail and Wholesale businesses
- Warehousing and storage
- Manufacturing – Smallgoods, seafood, dairy and other
- Transport & Distribution MTV
We conduct HACCP audits based on requirements of Codex Alimentarius Alinorm General Principles of Food Hygiene and Guidelines for the Application of the HACCP System, CAC/RCP 1 – 1969, REV. 4 2003. SFSS Certification Australia is providing certification and assessment services to food manufacturing sector.
Our services add value to your business by identifying areas and opportunities for improvement. The auditors are highly qualified and approved by Department of Health as per National Food Safety Auditing guidelines. We have approval for auditing in Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania.
For more information, call Harjinder on 0411717838 or email to